there seems to be a painful catch in my soul
I am in a word
about as lost as lost can go
why must the coldness always commandeer the warmth
no magic calm awaits this deflated storm
prayer shores me up at times
so very certainly so
while on my sporadic diet of grievance
I sadly sup
pondering again and again each fact
that I indeed do
he loves me whether he speaks the words aloud
or whispers them in his big deep dark eyes
though the circumstance he can alter
but not the incredible truth beneath which
those facades he relies on reside
though he feigns indifference and superior
at a glance
the heart can see all his naked hiding
I am his love
and ever shall remain
I am his wife and the female carrier of his
and beyond yet another foolish storm
I see such wealth of light
God hold my trembling hand as I attempt
to guide my love and I up right............
(written Dec 30,2005)