
I am but a conduit
and little more
some attribute these words to talent
I attribute them to mere access to a
vast knowledge pool
I am but a secretary
to what needs to be said
certainly, I hold the pen
yet these words to me
are somehow fed
a modicum of skill
I, to some degree must implement
but please keep in mind
that he who presents and or frames
the work of art is not in the same league
as the master artist sitting
before his pristine canvas's skin
through every shuffled moment of his life
man must manage to humble himself
before his supposed gifts
and rightfully so
choose to present such gifts to the world
just as they are
and that too is all that I can give
my own flawed perceptions
of what is being handed out in my mind
it is but that alone that I meticulously
(and sometimes ever ridiculously)
attempt to page
therein lies the ever present conflict
I so often struggle to improve upon
simple honest woman wrestling with
the towering hugeness of these words
that continuously rain in
to gently invade her mind
only to trickle out of her 99 cent
ball point pen
leaving her relieved yet spent
in a familiar place
she's never quite fully been.........
( Written Sept 28,2005 5am)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

How I view my so called talent...........

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