
midnight sun

unquestionably present

a breeze entirely of a far different nature

ruffles feathers not so long clipped

a man stands

a lone shadow

loaned to the lighted night

a marvelous package of enviable


ignorantly returned

restless now

this same package sits

hands between knees

eyes to the wind

a proud reminder of personal fortunes lost

a forgotten beauty haunts some abstract idea of

a closeness longed for

fear grows timidly in the helpless on looker

as good art

even live breathing art is a timeless draw

for the far too sensitive eye

is such image truly real

or has a myth long ago grown a wise set of lungs

in which to breath from

beautifully haunted eyes in which to peer from


(darest I even gasp to hope)

possibly a magnificently restored heart

so strong and pure

in which to love from

there is so much wealth in the face

vaults filled with such intelligence

and tender understanding

a servant soul succeeding despite its fallible

human confinement

with rampant emotions streaming forth

warmth and heat

flourishing upon an icy tundra

Jack London's own favorite stomping ground

so breathtaking within itself

mirrors in a sense perhaps the flirtatious


that swells proud in the living man

so breath deep and slow now

sweetest open flight of mesmerizing male want

for a uniquely feminine woo

flutters gently along deeply curious edges of

innate attraction

a siren's lure


a novice professional

quite mentally stripped

before you

but only in the back of your gorgeous thoughts

quivering in even her own surest certainty



the deepest seat of her very own depth

parted the mist of mystery's sightless curtain

and there in that place

is where she first saw you

not the physical man par say

but what the body that houses such soul

stood for

one word


(March 14, 2000 145pm)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Alright, there is no Vincent. I saw some art show and saw a very deep seeming thinking man sitting on a bench in front of one of the exhibits and this poem came to me. The name came from two sources one known, and one perhaps not so well known (depending on which country you live in) Vincent Van Gogh was my first source due to all his uniqueness in his paintings and no he was not traditionally handsome (if his own self portraits are anything to go by) but inside he must have been with all that beauty and creativity flowing out of him and the other likely lesser known is the character Vincent from the 80's television series Beauty and The Beast though Vincent was considered a beast I found his character in full make up and costume along with that amazing deep poetic voice truly handsome. Funny how the man who played that character himself is not very handsome at all out of that make up of the beast. When in actual fact ( for me anyway) it was quite the reverse.

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