
so harmless sitting there so very soft and inviting

this hungered rage keeps out of its reach

by furiously writing

chocolate is such a dark and dangerous word

into its addiction my sweating soul has once

again been too easily lured

such vile attempts to drag me back into its too

tempting fold

my foolishness over such laughable abuse I repeatedly


how have I let myself become so involved

that around the refrigerator my weaknesses have


in slow degrees of terror

I have nightmares of myself over eating

convincing myself I've broken the cycle in which

I know I'm really beating

the urge is still there

just buried under a well conditioned surface

but the need sometimes torments the soul into

believing the kitchen isn't such a safe place

so I learn a little more about myself

then I leave

and fantasies of being thin and unencumbered I

creatively weave

and this compulsion takes the back seat and I am

able once again in myself to believe

that I can do almost anything


over come something that is no more than a

self professed pet peeve............

( written March 10, 1992 pm)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

from the days of my severe dieting. Such worries even crept into my poetry.

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