
hello lover

you wanna pet me

I'd let you

you know

then I'd knock you


ever so gently upon

the nearest possible bed

and have you thus so

my captain

would become

why my captive

and in such haste to cleave

he would

for his own release

forfeit his sweetest seed

and be on me

with me

and in me

like heat surrounded by

hazy billows of steam

a surreal sensuous sauna

of his own movements making

tirelessly brushing while

magnificently thrusting

for but the prize of my own

pleasure's sudden scream

a dark, warm, throbbing  place

awaits our skittering arrival

I hear in my mind its swirling rush

and flow

the play titled 'Desire'

is a beautifully scripted cycle

while we its deeply inspired players

are but understudies to the very

'Chemistry Of The Flesh'

is not born solely of itself

we as the co-contributors make it

as well ourselves

so would you care to further


as a mussed bed is the best lab

to control such remarkable


(Nov. 19, 1999)

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