limping as I was
in rapidly approaching
bewildered shock
the eyes grew a wild wide white
romance at a premium
thought I
fast became romance
of the highway robbery variety
startled by the height of the
and the sheer mass of their
a near faint left me staggering
so difficult to ingest now
but the love that suffuses
the two hearts involved
seeping outward from the
thankful spirit
stands confidently proud
whispering back
so assuredly
this will be a humorous
one day
to share so joyously
with others
over a nice laugh
about 'The Strange Road'
we traveled upon
just to get to each other
and live in the thankful light
of the others
long awaited for love
that is how I choose to see this
not so little financial rut in my
cringing pocketbook's path.............
(Oct. 2, 2009 322am)