
we are but naught

grim cellophane reproductions

of our truer selves

a shadowy nebular

burning down the short wick of life

carrying a torch

yet fully flamed

doused you see

by dampened purposes

hidden from our limited eyes view

Paradise is memories

that stay in touch with our conscience

they write to us even when we are sleeping

and call themselves dreams

they come to hold our hands when we are scared

and teach us to be brave

when uncertainty moves into our soul for

an unwanted visit

tears are late offered gifts left behind

after their stay

comforters you might say

who stay long after

'The Funeral Of Emotions Wrought' is past........

(Dec. 1, 1999)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I feel very strongly about our souls and coming to Earth in these flawed bodies with mad minds running them too often. I am drawn by how one who comes from such love maneuvers through so much fear and hate as we seem to have here on this Earth.

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