
such thoroughfare

as confession

only just so intriguing

to the individual confessor

repeated exposure supposedly gathers ground

in the basement of acceptance

working one's way up floor by failed floor

the freakish shadows of the face

reveal suspiscious fears

in almost child like expressions now

that manage to further mirror similar reflections

from those around  also encouraged to share

these secrets, lies and shame

lose their power

when removed from the bitter years of hiding

and yet

quite frankly

such raw nerve embracement of the brutal truth

scared the hell out of this far removed observer's


'tis so difficult truly to digest

one must admit  the clearly documented good

such exchanges can do for those doing the exchanging

verses the heart cold horror and damage

done to the one who bares innoscent witness

to such critical therapies

to quote one revolutionary therapist

fear has no place to hide anymore

once GROUP takes its hold on these predators

of before.........

( written June 6,2005 6pm)

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