
I am a great fan of the unexpected
onto this great subject of wonderment
I have so elected
when I fall from my posted seat of grace
I won't expect poetry to be my appointed catcher
note though, that I am no Helen of Troy nor could
I ever hope to match her
I do not fear this possibility as yet
in this pea green pool I've only just begun to get
my feet wet
I contain a bottomless well of outlandish imagination
everything I experience becomes some basis for my
poetic creation
often when I close my eyes I see angels just about
as hard as they come
though gradually their inner thoughts and mine meld
into one
I know fact and I know just when the truth is being
so first with myself I must prepare and experiment
future short comings I feel I must prevent
I have no use for ego so it can't get unbent
I don't ever want someone thinking I'm something
I'm not
if I have something to show, you'll eventually see
what I've got
I poke and pen aspects of my questionable sanity
I do so out of humor and experience not greed nor
thoughts held too long in a lunatic's head
are more often than not better left unsaid
then out of nowhere comes such a caustic turn of
and so very quickly the conditioned soul gathers
the needed rudimentary implements
a bevy of indecisions find themselves on a steep
downhill slope gaining mind boggling momentum
mass ideas fill my head almost too quickly for my
hyper hand to legibly print them
my mind has conveyed to me that it's too tired to
so until another day
this so strange subject I'll then further continue
to pursue....
(written June 11,1991 in the pm)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I believe it shows how I felt I had a lot of mess in me to clean up. I needed to sort out so many of my rambling thoughts and writing them out through poetry helped me quite a bit.

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