
sad aspects of my impending mortality
take me on a dark journey full of dismal despair
I'm talking myself into a corner once again and
getting absolutely nowhere
familiarity breeds mutated complacency when there
are not any great mysteries left in which to press on
rumor has it though, that what never was
can not really be as good as gone
the bond of old at last has been tactfully broken
on my own guilt I greedily gorge
as I battle myself with questions
like, how can I continue on with all the previous
thoughts I had brought knowingly out into the open
anymore, it doesn't take much to set me off
mishandled curiosity in concern with sensitive
matters can easily kill
even gracious me has to monitor myself in
everything I say to this day still
shuttering intensity slowly climbs my
overwrought nearly six foot frame
to sugar and caffeine, I lay cause and much blame
this continual churning out of so strange and
practical prose
was as the locals are fond of saying
hey dude, that's just the way it goes!......
(written June 6,1991)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

what you are seeing here is a wanna be poet delving into ideas and word forms she doesn't quite yet have a grasp on but she is growing as she crawls around her ideas.....

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