
the sky tonight is like a piece of heaven
laying just so
upon a low dark storm cloud
with the Lord's purple like supremacy
sitting so peacefully above man
speaking to all who care to listen
in a voice so visually beautiful
yet enlightened and loud
can you hear his wise and enchanting
they're so very clear
as they're carried down upon
the golden wings of his blessed and
beloved birds
and now as I look up again to the heavens
the stunning sight has gone
as if it were never at all really there
yet in my mind forever on
I can picture its wonder so majestic
and indeed like a miracle deserving yet rare
but this miracle of vision was placed
in the eyes of me and whoever else cared
enough to look up to the shadowed stormy sky
in trying to explain my witness to this splendor
I am rather tongue-tied and somewhat shy
the witnessing of true beauty can make one
unashamedly cry
also in knowing that I may never again
view our Lord's paradise until the day he lets me die
from this day until that most fortunate moment
I will gaze up at the near that to sacred sky
every time the wind picks up and blows
for just one more chance to peer
Through the curtains of God's Windows
well at least
I'll look in dire attempt to try.......
(written May29,1991 in the pm)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This poem came from a lovely sight I witnessed in the night sky one night late coming home from work. As I recall, it had been a horrendous day and I was so tired and this lovely purple halo was up over my head in the sky around the moon with clouds gently passing by it it looked like a council that angels might be attending. I was writing the poem on a napkin at stop lights on my way home.  talk about a tough feat........

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