
I let my mind go wherever it chooses to without
any form of leashing or restrainment
for my type of thatched together thoughts
my unhindered head is the perfect arena for
consummate containment
I regard myself as a soul salvager
I take every abominable situation and experience
and turn them over to the aid of my current cause
some changes that take place are harsher than most
so I must noticeably pause
as I attempt exploration of facts and feelings crossed
I sense desperation's disquiet with the closing in
of the walls
I often discuss my inner conflicting turmoil
sometimes from my embittered nastiness
I hasten to recoil
as I do so once again I fail to shake from my soul's
skin the previously spoke of soil
so I start at the beginning
speed through the mayhem
and distasteful disorder and search for that part
of me that remains loyal
writing in this manner gives me back my sanity
and it clearly protects what I don't wish others to
so easily see
I'm not as strong as these quickly penned to paper
poems would have me appear to be
note, I often speak from the corner on the angle
of me and mostly when speaking of a great many others
not just two I use the tactful term 'we'
I am very alone and for that privilege and or
punishment I pay an exuberant fee
I tend to speak using terms bordering on the line of
I generally seek mere understanding but for it I will
not beg
some like myself, think up different things to say
while others think of different ways to say in a sense
something the same
I play around in a fanatic form of life
while my counterparts play with their own lives like a
child's game
wastefulness of the human spirit is indeed a
genuine shame
but the faces to the names I choose as yet
not to name............
(written May 24,1991 in the am)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

speaking from the hip somewhat poetically...........

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