Tease mutt grew to be the greatest dog that had
ever lived
and a good, sharp nip to anyone's poor, unsuspecting
thigh he was always more than happy to give
he loved to play nose deep in the kitchen garbage
and slap-chase water bugs across the front
why, sweet Mama Fred, herself alone taught him
early on how to speak in his own form of precious
puppy talk
he learned how to sit up on command when he was
barely five weeks old
he was a good, little fellow, even though he
sometimes forgot to do what he was told
like, not pee-diddle on the carpet in the back
storage room by the door
and not yank on the living room drapes
like he was playing in some form of doggie-tug-of-
he could play poor, little, hurt puppy quite
famously but only when he wanted something really,
really bad
why, I do declare he could even look you in the eye
and make you believe him to be sad
he had this, "Oh Pretty Please, Dear, May I?" look
that should have been hung in the Beggin'-Doggie'
Gallery's hall of fame
he loved to play keep-away with his favorite old
tennis ball and he knew all his chew toys by name
why, his big, brown expressive eyes would devilishly
rage if with him, you chose not to play
and he was a truly ferocious little thing when you
didn't let him have his own way
as he slowly grows older
he's still quite funny in his dotty old doggie
well, at least now, when we tell him to sit, he
may choose to ignore us, but he stays
don't get me wrong, I love the old boy he has
lately here become
but I must admit, I still miss that awfully playful,
black and white, little, mischievous puppy in
him some.............
(written in the mid 90s )

Author's Notes/Comments: 

written for my female black and white border collie Maggie. she did all these things and I often called her Tease mutt as I played with her but for the poem I made her male everything else is true to her. I'm sorry to say she died from some canine blood disease back in Feb of 2000 I still miss that beautiful girl. She was truly the greatest dog that I have ever known............

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