
it is only I who is able to get on my best side
of my ability in dealing with my contrary
subconscious I take to the like of parental pride
theorizing the involvement of the two minds I must
conclude the two are like an aquarium housing
murderous conflictions
one must be able to penetrate the unchartered regions
to recognize and control the subtleties of their
limited restrictions
perhaps, here in lay, all the friction
it is difficult if not indeed near impossible to
give adequate description
chaos nearly misses its target in its plead for
and sometimes, just out of unstoppable fairness
blind judgment gets its turn at the wheel
and people then have the audacity to ask me
how I feel
this whole line of investigation is just simply
too outrageous to be even remotely real
for life, I seem to have lost my zest and zeal
the tarnished touch of reality is all that right
now I can sense and or feel
this year I've heard that denial is quite the craze
and latest style
don't think for even a minute though that I've added
that misused self preservation tactic to my already
over laden and bulging profile
of all the misused emotions lying about
I'd say mine would have to be greed
I have this warped idea that its what one person
wants that counts and not the effervescent need
I don't really believe that the heart can ache or
emotionally bleed
whoever came up with that tear jerking concept
was probably coming down hard off acid or speed
my own cut dry case I don't feel the need to plead
I've done my part by writing this piece you see
for all one has to do to enlighten one I believe
is merely plant the seed
I will make my escape now for I feel I have for this
day done my good deed
ah and once again from myself I have been
temporarily freed.........
(written May 11,1991 in the pm)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

even though conflictions is not a word I liked how it fit and used my poetic license here to argue its fit.

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