
how are you dear psychologically unstable
do you truly believe yourself to be the
modern day Clark Gable
after such a primitive excursion through
your scarred psyche
you're probably not feeling too keen
at least I find that highly unlikely
now isn't that a jip
experiencing a nightmare right after
the course of a very pleasant dream
can one truly comprehend the phrase
being pointed in a crooked line
and is such a strange statement malignant
or quite the contrary benign
the mind I find is stressed and ravaged
the soul is almost worse
its exhausted and baron
it seems so unreal to find myself at such
a high point in my life
looking off into space and slightly starin'
all this lack of positive inspiration
scares me straight into the arms of full
fledged and fitful exasperation
I can no longer pull this rabbit from out
of that old top hat
I am now shooting this bad bunny dead
and frankly that's that..............
(written April 30,1991 in the am)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

what can I say?  other than Oh, the strange things a mind will write about when bored!......shrugs.....

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