
hail to infinite wisdom seated second to
the queen of charm
shall I step back, gaze into vanity's all
encompassing mirror and pout and preen
after all, what could be the actual harm
this whole concept has lead me on quite a
merry chase
so many disparaging remarks and self doubt
I have had to courageously within myself
stand up and face
from what exact inner emotions does the school
boy bravery stem
who was it that once said the courage found
within to hold your head up high no matter what
is an absolutely priceless gem
if I discovered the root and the depth of the mental
would I be able to police it so to mend this chasm
wide rift
my train of thought this very instant is not so
dependable nor swift
but perhaps tomorrow my spirits will rebound
lift how I do so wish this travesty of errors was
placed before me in the form of a gift
now, onto other more considerable concerns
my immediate attentions I must gift..........
(written April 30,1991 in the am)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

doing a little mental closet cleaning here I believe. At least it reads that way to me.

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