
poetry is strong, balanced and adjacent in concern
to everything
it can magically disguise the indifference of winter
into the romance of spring
I have seen beauty bloom in the face of objection
and disapproval
I have experienced hatred and mistrust and
witnessed their rapier like removal
this planet, I do not wish to knowingly ravage
like my fellow humans, I do not wish to brutalize,
rape and or savage
I can only hope to turn disadvantage into advantage
what can I say? I was raised under the tutelage
of great parentage
my type of insight and candor I'm informed is the
current rage
some see everything in either black or white
I'm a bit broader minded
life has many areas I would consider gray or beige
gray is negative and beige is positive
that is all of an explanation for now that I can
but, let me leave you with this passing yet trite
know it is best to love and let live
except in the case of murderers then the death
penalty to them I would give
I live in quite a confusing yet quaint age
maybe, this helps to explain why I believe in
'Gray And Beige'.................
(written April 25,1991 in the am)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

how life is not always black and white............

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