
life is different for us all
yet still it is somewhat the same
explanations are many and often vary
but most are chintzy and lame
I am a hellion self cynic when it comes to my work
in my head harsh critiques continuously lurk
at my simple and savant self I often smirk
this odd affliction can be a let down
but more so just a colorful quirk
this balancing act I daily perform
comes easily now but not so when I lived
the introvert's life with the long face and sigh
so forlorn
my faded emotional injuries are still acute
but in my mind's mind I know these conclusions
are not fully astute
after all it is I who is now making off with the
proverbial loot
there is no more troops left for me in which
with to regroup
I try not to let my overactive thoughts of
unrealistic romance govern my mind
to myself I am not too lenient nor kind
it is unrequited and mad emotions that grip the
soul tightly so to bullheadedly bind
I fall short often in my near vain attempts not to
let just that ever happen to mine
so I find myself once again at the crossroad of
intended understanding
tripping over my sage self preservation and onto
my misplaced pride heavily landing..........
(written April 16 ,1991)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

exasperated with myself...........

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