
I'm told to have a marvelous ability for the
written word
a concept to me that borders a bit on the absurd
I have managed to obtain a modicum of talent
this I know
but not so much that I think it could hold up
under any seasoned critic's blow
it takes a lot out of the soul to be brilliantly
it's difficult to remember what to keep for myself
so to save
from this I find not so much a sick and or twisted
but something much more intense that one can not
so easily measure
God himself has surely never had nearly this much
as the years pass and fade I find the general
misunderstanding to get more and more specific
and almost in turn indeed double
this self expression stems from a great need deep
a need to explain myself so to comprehend and
thicken my already haggard hide
I'm not awfully stupid I suppose
my ignorance rarely if ever shows
the almost dirty and dreaded term priapism
words fascinate me
they give voice to what it is I want to say
it's like a race of emotion in a word relay
this is the way I choose to play
I pay for this privilege each and every day
I will only continue to do so until I find
a better way............
(written April 7 ,1991)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I lived a lot in my head back in those days......... A little too much perhaps.

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