
he was detrimental to my careful, emotional

well being

do not think my deep abiding love for him

I'll be daringly deceiving

variations of sorts hold a very exuberant price

to pay

yet continue to scamper through my mind in an

attempt to corner so to convey

I have a mind that can make one leap with

surprise if given the chance

your emotional well being and intellectual status

it can only further enhance

of matters in general or specific

which of the two is more prolific

in contrast to what has been previously said

which is the lesser of the two evils

to bleed the soul yourself or to let yourself solely

be bled

neither idea do I choose to divorce or wed

this subject is much too tainted for me to be

infinitely cast as kind

my thoughts are not mature enough to continue on

at such length

they're much too raw and unrefined

(written March 25, 1991)

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