
it was a seduction of favors

that brought small pockets of the world

to bear arms

in aide by some sense of obligation or threat

to the most powerful nation seated

what real choice did any of the thirteen originals


as you're either with us or against us

the man with his hand on the big red button said

and like any seduction it can rise to overtake

even the most powerful overtaker

and rest of the world that stood wise in their firmly

held beliefs is fast seeing the reason

caution should have not been skirted

as it so stupidly was

as are we Americans

lost in the bitter people shuffling

that is


(written Oct 3,2005 340am)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

written about how Pres. Bush used the USA's influence and great wealth to sucker 13 other countries into helping him bring down Saddam Husein and how now as he looks back and many others do the same they can see how wrong it was to rush in where even his own father feared to tread ( meaning Sr. bush" it would have been a quagmire had we gone in")

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