well, don't you look cocky and smug
standing on your own two feet
without the aide of contempt's rug
you say you've lost all will to pursue love
you've lost all respect for the sex of women
so you continue to keep me at arm and lust's length
how can I even hope to win over such exceptional
masculine strength
my face is nearly devoid of emotion
with only a track or two of dried away tears
just now on my life until today you've managed to
taint with self disgust many of my favorite years
and what is now to be my final sentence since you
have appointed yourself my sole judge and jury
don't for get to docket malice and blind fool's
love as another of my many other criminal activities
behind my former fury
you must take me for a complete imbecile
really its just a smooth veneer of forced indifference
it galls you because my most aggravated anger you
have as yet managed to rile
if you want a pity party you know what number
you can dial
go back to your new old lover
she has all the right attributes
and guile
anyway I've come to a most calculative conclusion
you are no longer my style
so do take a hike Kyle............
(written Feb 13,1991)