
it's extremely hard to say exactly what catapaults

us in to such dark feelings of dismay

when you sped passed me in your fast little

foreign sports car

it was really my own heart tht excelerated

at one time I thought our mutual destinies were


when I saw auburn wavy hair streaming through

your passenger window

my happiness quickly deflated

your half truths and inconsiderate actions make

me feel cheap and degraded

now, I'm beginning to wonder if all this time for

you should I have so ignorantly waited

when we first met how quickly our relationship


there was never a question as to  how I felt about

you when we dated

oh, how your silence  at my words I LOVE YOU  

I seethingly hated

when I asked exactly what our relationship was

I'm a good friend who's your lover on occasion

you calmly stated

and then you would ever so sweetly cleave yourself

to me and once again there in your lover's

red  boudoir we magnificently mated

never did either of us leave that big brass bed

ill content or unsatiated

seeing her with you now in my heart and mind makes

me feel foolishly berated

but now I can move on and find another selfless soul

something better and stronger than what you and I

at one time together created

and see that's the whole beauty of this love


for just like in real estate

when looked at in a certain special way

its all pro rated................

(written Feb 7,1991)

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