if I could I would love one and all from today
'til GOD knows when
but if I did I wouldn't know where to begin
so I'll stay where I am
in this present numbed state
it's not really what I would classify as love
but nor is it hate
if we knew exactly when it all was going to end
would we try to change
and would the term of tour be shorter or
long range
what is really on our maker's magnificent mind
and indeed are the answers really out there
where he left them for us to one day find
when the time comes that I must look into the
eyes of death
I'm not sure I can honestly say I will remain
are we really interested in what doesn't immediately
effect us or is our concern merely feigned
and in this hateful hour of high death rate
and national over kill
at whose door do we lay blame
of this sickening mess I've had my fill
I know at my own door hangs shame
shame for what we've done with all he's given
maybe his decision is not far off the day
when none of of us are no longer livin'
every night I lay down and pray for peace
if not peace then war among men to finally
(written Feb 6,1991)