we marvel in near unnatural awe
at the history torn
The Civil war dead now
some 147 years since
it was so crudely born
Since the first blood spillings
and consequent rage at
the likes of Bull Run
to the ballot booths of that
same yet so very different Virginia
in her breath held night
this passed week
we cheered, cried and sung
and from those
once searing ashes soars
a man we love and voted for
to let him, out of such hate and woe
lead us to a better time
to live and prosper and
individually grow
filled with such great desire for peace, jobs, respect
and change
My dear, dear so beloved President-Elect-Obama
you have become all that we listen so intently for
the force of self and collective destiny
reaching out to each our front porch door
here is to you sir
a joyous salute and sincere prayer for
a wise and safe path to eight years with us
rather than four
our hats off and hands to our hearts for this
much needed arrival of you onto the World's floor
Our Whistler In The Storm
to help guide us out of this blinding
economic down pour.....................
(Nov. 10, 2008 112am)