
I have managed to bring poetry back into life's

natural fold

the system in which I work is not original or


the concept is rather worn out and old

to make words melodious so to rhyme

in this country and tabled time

to my current knowledge is not a felonious


it's sort of a gift in disguise as a curse

once thoughts are put to paper

they much too rapidly disburse

I suppose there are things around and about

considered much much worse

I see the sing-song-lyrical side of everything

I see happiness a poem taken from my heart

and good spirits can bring

So, continue to think, scribble, scratch and

write on

it's nice to know my thoughts will long linger

in other minds when I have long since gone

people are forever telling me

that I'm ever so snappy and smart

that gives my heart an extra beat and boost

an uplift, jolt and start

I'm not really all that terribly intelligent

many go by the words I borrow or rent

I rarely if ever take angry offense

I usually just acknowledge them with a polite

nod or sightless silence

in retrospect, I suppose I could say this poetic

outlet has many times helped me assess and adjust

even when life offers poor alternatives

one must forge warily on in keeping with one's

own personal trust..............

(written Jan 18,1991)

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