
shattered and scattered

mind and heart twisted

as if in some foiled jest

the day light has left me

I am a scratched mirror

gazing all a fright back

at itself

emptiness my old friend

has wondered back into my

parlor of laughable hell

the twilight zone phoned

wanting to do an episode

on my latest life

did you know pain has some

mean fists

even my thoughts can be bruising

the shadow lives on in my heart

that longing for something I can

never get

someone with a love in his pocket

that he carries around just for me

all those little things done

without preamble

that add up to the inescapable

conclusion that he loves me

beyond mere mortal comprehension

it still hurts knowing that I will

never be loved by someone like that

they will not love me the way I love


my happiness and care will always be

secondary to their selfish own

in every imaginable circumstance

but God's

its a trap I can never get around

in my love for them I choose to take the

back seat to their needs

but still I can't get passed the

anguishable truth

that by the same token

they too put their happiness first

long before my own

a heart ripping dilemma no matter

which way you apply it

in essence my everything is but

drops of truth on a stick

too often melting away  

and unimportant........

(written Aug 30,2004 105am)

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