
in the workings of my mind there is a circuit
that must have somehow been blown early
maybe this same blown circuit is what makes my
hair so unmanageable and curly
to be enthralled with the idea that I am some sort
of predestined 20th century poet has me in the
clutches of illogical conflict
the rules in my abstract writings demand that I be
terribly strict
I can write about anything given the opportunity
but to the idea I must place a truly personalized
on the subject of utter unfairness found so often
in life
at it I upon occasion rage and rant
my ability to see things as they are is at best
most times I use this questionable little gift
just to save my most unfortunate fanny
am I inconsiderate toward others or just a little
out of fear of being exposed for what I really am
I retreat behind my most evasive writer's curtain
what's so ironic is most who know me would label me
somewhat shallow
they do not know the real me as I truly wish to be
so I let each slight superficial observation slide
it would hurt indeed much more were the truth to
the opinion be so applied
even under much educated advisement by a trusted
source I still continue to churn out this
unpredictable assortment of conversive concepts
isn't it so soulfully softening yet quaint how
one's mind slowly to any situation cleverly adapts
there never seems to be enough time to just sit back
and quietly rest
to be able to pen a few poems that could be even
considered merely quite good at best
I long for equality within myself but fear what I
may lose in the bargain of the trade
most bad situations we find ourselves in are
usually self made
I've been afraid for the longest time that my
secrets could be so abruptly found out
vibes fear us even while lost in the warm ambiance
of the rhymes
I still feel the drowning feeling of the constant
company I keep named self doubt......
(written June 2,1991)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

how fast life passes us by and how we should stop and smell the roses more and more often.

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