I guess the term worthless never had it so bad
I am lost in my own mistake's heartache
missing love yet drowning in it
why do we humans make such messes for ourselves
what is there in self destruction that is so appealing
and yet so raw
its like brushing up against a jagged wall as hard as you can foolishly looking for warmth and softness
and all you feel are the jagged edges biting at your skin
the forbidden fruit is so sweet
maybe its the ink of your magic
this magic you work over my heart
is it a trick
is that it
is my heart just playing a trick on me or is your heart too playing a trick on me as well
you make me so mad and then I get so scared
what is your draw
you've bewitched me
im drawn to a man I will likely never be able to have
im such a dumb human moth
I just wish his beautiful light would zap me dead
and kill this thing in me that makes us both so elated and yet in the same breath
so wholely miserable
love is so beautiful at one end of the spectrum
but then it can turn on a tiny scrap and
suck every bit of joy out of your hopes and dreams.
I never felt more worthless than tonight when I for the briefest moment saw how I must look to you through your wounded hungry eyes by way of your wounded even hungrier heart
you love me so so much that I feel you are all the closer now to hating me than you've ever been
and in my crushed and confused brokenness I ponder
how will I ever deal with that big knife of yours
just hanging precariously over my heart
I'll surely die in some manner
whether emotionally
spiritually or
love never felt more mean than it does tonight........
(written June 28th, 2006 445am)