
pragmatical prose like layman's law

is matters of feigned importance

justly heated

so to contradict and unthaw

which of the two is correct grammar

I see or I saw

shall we drop to the floor and attempt to

verbally crawl

what if from the seat of what's mine is mine

we should fall

do we turn and punch our indifferent society

in its jaded jaw

I think for such an act of childish outburst

there is no call

I wrap my cloak of battered bemusement about me

like a shepherd's shawl

I stand in the path of unacceptable duplicity

proud, erect and tall

holding out for another's uptight indignation is

indeed the very last straw..........

(written March 4,1991)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

first poem I ever had published! some mom and pop poetry magazine out of Harlington, Texas...

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