
respect and displaced devotion

over this process I sometimes choke on the devoid of


self hatred can almost be more soothing than any

balm or liniment like lotion

everyone fears the wrath of his own soul in certain

settings of self made light

so we give ourselves a false sense of security

when things begin to fall into place and finally

start to feel right

many fear what it is that they will find buried deep

inside themselves if they so much as dare to look

in my extensive inner quests you have no idea of the

precautions I previously took

its a constant love/hate relationship between logic's

careful reasoning and my many facets of self blame and fault

where poetry is my safe haven life I find to be merely

an airless and humid vault

between the two extremes I always find myself questionably caught

to a higher plane of natural function I have more than

once repeatedly sought

but for the continuance of necessary balance

I must drop all acts of mental charades

before the essence of and the real me find the ultimate weakness

and like a fragile flower slowly fade........

( written Sept 15,1991 am)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

another deep endeavor.

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