
hello my fine enchanted young lover

here is a poem just for you

it has been quite a month to remember

sharing these fond experiences together

as we have

so vibrantly a new

I will try to keep this simple

my words

I will reel in but only a few

like rain upon a parched forgotten desert plain

I hear birds where before

only pesky crickets would sing

though you flood your speech borrowing from one



and I lavish you with my own brand of English

the lines have been uncrossed and are not so

broad now between us

as curiosity beckons us both

to even further explore

each others vast mental risings and potential

as mutual respect you know can be a language

all unto its mystical self.............

(Jan. 19, 2000)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

was in a romantic mood had read Lady Chatterley's Lover again and was paralleling that with a situation of sorts I, myself  was going through. strangely enough the parallels didn't line up all that well but hey this poem turned out rather nicely.

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