
sometimes I sit and get so awfully sad

for things that have happened that are so bad

I shed tired  tears alone in the virtual dark

just like a helpless dog who can only bark

this releases the sadness and all the pent up pain

after the tears wash clean the original hurt

I have no more real reason to complain

you see I love so much

my tender heart aches so

I can't help but constantly wonder

does he know

he's so aloof and acts so startlingly strange

now since we've made our magical love

he treats me like I have the mange

can this be

can it truly be so

that this man has loved me

only to then let me go

he's the child's father

I wonder if its true to say

its made of love

will he love it

will he treat the child well

I know he could if he only would..............

(written May 13,1984)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

this poem (if you can call it that) is truly terrible but I wanted to put the early stuff on here to show where I started verses where I have gotten to from that point and this poem demonstrates the chasm I have crossed over the years.

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