ye be a mad man
who tears through the streets
late in the night
ripping at his own clothes
so anxious is he for
further revealment
just like my heart
my breath claws at my lungs
so desperate am I to find you
you who mean more to me
than this same overly labored breath
that fights to stream calm
nostrils flair
as the endless tears fearfully pool
in eyes drenched by worried green
my heart is anchored in two worlds
here in this one
it simply exists
so to supply my body with physical life
but its with you that it truly lives
I don't know why that is so
it just is
perhaps because
its deeply
and best of all
loved to its fullest potential
by you
I don't live without you M.A.K.
truly I don't
I merely exist now you see
as the majority of my heart
lives in the extended palm of
your out stretched hand
keep it outstretched
and reaching
always reaching out for my
and this same love of mine
will surround you
in beauty every where
you go
whether Heaven ye be
or hell
whichever the way
your true essence
resides in me
Je t'aime
I love you
(Jan. 18, 2000)