
various fogs transpire

of such vagueness the moment tires

rain is a tempter of soil

and the greed of his own hand is man's

constant toil

among such madness we meander

fearful of the light and all for which

wisdom spoils

worried beauty amid a sprig of oleander

a confection of mockery and recoil

while of and not fully of this earth

the farther we take the journey

the more and more it becomes so

spiritually personal

to quote an old and obvious saying

there are trees in those woods

growing unbeknownst in a forest royal

(written April 24,2004 5pm)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

written about how we get so caught up in our own mortal lives that too often we forget we have a far bigger soul and all that we do now will one day not be so important and self shattering to us in the final end. in comparison to our spiritual selves what we do here is crumbs.

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