
the arrogance of my pain

astounds me

there seems no valid reason to feel

this empty way

so lost and useless to even my own good

yet still I do


it's the science of this matter that

warns me

simplistic solutions are a raw point

I have crawled through all of this before

I know the fullness of my shear brokenness

I see the shards that lay about me

that were once so whole

now they glisten in my fragmented mind

twisted reflections of who I once was

mockery is more than just an interesting word

its a state of tortured self being

I am a joke called woman

who got up one morning and put on some soft skin

walked out into the world

and pronounced myself as a self aware rational being

here is is where the mockery began

I am simply just me

and I have no accurate definition for that


(written Dec 22,2004 6pm)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

a touch of self mockery here!

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