
we frolic in such delicious folly

and regale the storms in our fate less finds

yet aggressive measures

do not necessarily insure grace

wings so to soar above the binds

for birds are what we know

their purpose to us is quite clear

without them we would appear as unanchored


they are so soundly woven into the pinched nets

of our ever metomorphisizing minds

they represent to us

a river filled with twigs

that churns across even the most miserable

temptation's flow

though there is debris

everywhere one looks


just as well

these same binds

offer us islands of small reprieve

to play havoc against the grinds

the majority of the vaguely enlightened

can not see the unfolding of even the

sweetest out line of the future

but to give a little quarry to cause

nor do they pay all that much

detailed attention to the past

while today is but a nervous mention

a stepping stone to a finer


if you will

that most men

in fear of themselves

refuse to take

it is we though as


who recognize such blessing

and can appreciate such

as is

'The Token Difference'...........

(Nov. 7, 1999)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

attempting with all my might to see a little deeper and beyond what is before me. In other words trying to take a broader perspective on everything just not seeing all that is at face value.

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