If you don't love my lonely little heart
it will surely fall out of my chest to flounder about
and eventually freeze
what more would you have me do for your laughter and love
fall foolishly head long first to my already knocking knees
such bitter tears can not be tools taken on so to simply appease
If so, why then with such a tender yet trembling touch do you
so torturously tease
the mind and heart separate themselves from the about
to fall defeat
which puts me at restless odds with my already irreparable
failure at being discreet
I am for the most part practical and private I generally share
my thoughts only with the calm and quiet patience of the page
but with you, I step lightly upon the line of non committal attitude
and fly into a lion like frenzied rage
not even one single declaration of undying love
could equal your subtle sensitivity's soft cell touch
I could lie and think about you forever and never betray one moment
we've shared
because oh, yes my sweet pea
I do Love you, my heart
just that much................
( written May 16,1992 pm)