In one folded moment of truth
sweet amnesty constructed for herself
a new courage
amid the hush of an almost breeze of farce
it is there that
a sculpture of such exquisite self
materialized before me
with much fan fair
whether mere coincidence
of irrefutable circumstance
or the final otherworldly
reply at last
to a child's long ago prayer
through an expense of adventure and surprise
that over due meeting occurred quite suddenly
between you and I
and now we stand so superbly reaquainted
feeling the security that comes with connection
another key
to yet another lock in life
given at a time when the powerless self
needed the soul's strength and guidance most
to keep it from only further falling
destiny in her own glory s
surely is written most beautifully all over this
deep joyous co-recognition
so once yet again
we command for the moment
this precious space
we each have been given
and hand over to the other
the spiritual gifts we've long now
been saving just for this
wonderously re-enacted collision
(written July 31,2003(930pm)