even stripped of gentled darkness
berated misery
you howl
for your every last sweated alm
there are splinters housed in such eyes
that so penetratingly accuse
as they squint
yet almost impervious
seems your aimless hell
to my own mediocrity's lament
I felt as guilty as Judas himself
I winced as I shelled out my new colorful
my every signature
scribbled each additional new comfort closer
to me
my holiday had to have encroached upon your
I was interloper
yet unwanted, indirect money river rope
that further allowed your 'meet' its more
possible ends
my hand
you stared at mesmerized
such an abusive (though unrealized) pale
clean angel
I must have seemed to you
during my shallow travel through your
awesome though dilapidated world
seemlessly unmoved
by your demoralizing poverty and degradation
ah, but there is where you were so terribly
I cried myself to sleep many a hopeless and
distraught night
praying for your escape to a much better life
and thankful was I
for my safe return to my own
my dear open and affectionate India
I shant forget your sorrow and wonder anytime
to me, you've been a blessing for from you came
my so beloved husband................
(written Nov. 11, 2002 10pm)