McGuire the much too charmed esquire
advant garde to the modern day liar
heir, artiste de con
fairing ever le bon
true to a fanatic fantastic snit
with a rogue's demeanor
one would only wish to forget
but of his supposed harem
each likely now lays unidentifiably
while ever entrancing remains his
apparent tone
yet still, for a brief moment
I too, blindingly shone
above all who misfortunately
fell before me
unaware was I of my then current
fait accompli
ah, but its all too easy to fool a
headstrong naive nineteen year old
who believed while in love
she too was so daringly free
and the vacant memory alone
often assumes uncanny characteristics
of one so unbelievably bold
as if such occurrence is a form of
life's own degree..................
(Jan. 15, 1995)