gallop to the parade
my long night away admirer
with grin so giddily placed
behind the computer's speed
happy keys tap a frenzy
slapping out eager conversation
to be quickly relayed
the net
a beautiful resurgent
bringing the level of
to a staggering plateau
minds before
so unlikely to meet
CHAT regularly now
so looking forward to the next
and we are the happy entrapped ones
tangibles trading ideas on the notion
that what cannot be purchased is the
most valuable gift of all to obtain
why it's the mind of man
that's so beautifully put on display
unventured territory
that few truly explore
ah, but we of the true spirit
of chat
learn this early on
and our numbers grow by the legions
those formerly labeled NERD
are now voices type worthy of being
in effect
esteemed Prize Chatters
and so it goes to reason
truly alike minds
will ALWAYS find Mirrorable Mates....
( Sept.1,2000 6pm)