

to you

such beautiful missinformant

sweet breath stealer

that you've grown to be

you give one

every imagninable thing

except perhaps

clear sweet true sincerity

so how does one count this......

this blatant though extraordinary

user's fluent nonity

a muse like maelstrom

hands over to the hidden

who is cornered so enchantably

a swift dose of fluttering

shy like interest

paying dues for an attraction

that plays an extended encore

to a future who's running dates

may not amount to anything at all

or surprisingly be

something that's so so much more

we, the mutually engaging entrants

may just have to sit back and see

what scene is best reflectant

of our crossed paths focus

all misdirected ques

or virtual happy endings of

what's supposed to be

but 'tis no matter

for in the end

it's all left up to you and me

harbingers of hopefulness

that we are

co recipients of such emotionally

exclusive generosity

charm's own favorite target

hearts drawn together by circumstance's

own mysterious physiognomy.......

(July 25,2000 545pm)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

though as lovely as it is this is about how insincere charm can be.

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