


over you I will no longer fret

and this meeting made laughable

as the inkling I had became but a dribble

upon my heart's wrongful sleeve and all from a

careless misdeed

not even a full lie and I was rather intensely peeved

how funny it is that you draw such a reaction from me

your cavalier way and self distancing behavior lead me to believe I was no more special after all

but a passing glint of fancy

dismissed so easily from your thoughts as a night of harmless play set aside in your mind no doubt

with the buzzing opportunities of the latest dawning array

so we can be friends still on that level

nothing has changed but I feel that we lost some incredible steps of a deeper connection

we could have taken as such together once so beautifully along such a rocky way

but smooth gentle sailing it seems is not to be in the cards for us

but note that I shall enjoy the jab and parry we seem to so naturally engage in and maybe one day the joy I first arrived upon  you too will encompass and more fully understand

for people like me are fleeting for one such as yourself to be meeting

as a lot of shallow immaturity you must endure to get to such soul's so deeper wondering every the which way

I'm over the conflict now I see it for just what it was a mishap that got out of hand

so let us move on that is if you still want to and see what paths we can take for if such journey together (even from so far away) is meant to be then I will admit Well, I'm still game

so let us play at the making of such tentative relationship (if indeed it can even be called that) as I wholely welcome your own words with open eyes!!!.

(June 22,2000 745pm)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

the deconstruction of a misread relationship.

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