I can not seem to stave off the longing in my soul
perhaps my life wouldn't feel so dreadfully empty
if I could just somehow let it go
startling possibilities wrapped in the web of a
beautiful future yet to be embraced
plague me almost relentlessly so
its almost silly to admit that I actually miss
a man that I have yet to completely know
he regularly visits the home in my mind
and constantly reminds me of dreams of love I
once had so very long ago
he teases my once good sense and makes farce of
my unimaginable woe
yet still I am stricken with remorse for the
tears he has shed for an insensitive other and
so freely let flow
how ironic it is that our winding paths to each
other can become so confusingly blurred yet still
on a deeper level so perfectly simpatico
simple friends alone it seems
now that we shall forever be
I just 'Wish' a different more fruitful path
we could go
and I pray all the while that the lessons from
this very loss
I somehow learn what it is I am supposed to
and maybe I can come to hope that in another
far better time he and I will learn much, much
more and together be allowed to grow
thank you Lord for revealing him at last to me
you've answered one more of my dearest prayers
but just to a far, far lesser desired degree
but still you answered it
and I won't ever forget this
previously only thought of impossible kindness
you've shown
you've touched me yet again
all the more with you sweet never ending grace
one times by three
love, patience and understanding............
(April 19, 1998)