death's own personal support
man's so destructive ways
sensationalized media blitz
kids killing kids
parents slaughtered
in the cross fire of family dispute
what would have been harmless
family quarreling in decades passed
is now a multi crime scene in the
family living room
what is wrong with this picture
and what lays to root behind such
senseless slaughter
poorly reared children
the break down in the family unit
or ostrisation across a broad base
of young, overly enraged America
true neglect perhaps of the so necessary
emotional feeding of young souls
our youth being looked after by too much
television and violent music
all seem like such trivially common
as Television and violence have watched
over more than just one generation now
we call these kids the 'X' generation
because they are the offspring of
X baby boomers
X hippies
X hoods and thugs
X hookers and cons
X yuppies and
X what ever
exulting totalitarism
who've lost their initial
focus of what the soul deems
as self well and good
is well and good
yet somewhere on the way
to a higher understanding
the ever darkening too human side
manages to slip away from so many
of its souls and subsequently
the new scarier era of before taboo
murdering was born
the friends and family killers
and all their dark precocious planning
God save our disconnected children
and the concerned parents who lost them
long ago
and didn't even know it
until it was far too late
once the trigger had been pulled...........
(July 31, 2000 8pm)