
I don't feel like going to bed right now
I'm too full of myself and my own certain style
in my mind when I don't write
words begin to stack up and make a mountainous pile
the clear cut meaning is fully intended without
any aspect of guile
inconsideration inspires my verbal feathers to rile
if you lobbed off my head and I died
would my soul be able to continue on without having
my brain behind which to hide
can the term "lunatic" to me be appropriately applied
no, not unless passed your defenses you have let
me slide
I like to get into people by sharing my private self
with them fully
this is so very rare
sometimes into my own mind I can unflinchingly stare
this pen and I
we make quite a strange yet complimentary pair
I haven't side stepped my sanity again this time I
if I could be anywhere other than here
I would rather be there
there, I believe always to be better than here
must I go on
am I not making myself clear
what started all this?
my too tired mind of course
what else could possibly be the original source
to shut myself down I will attempt to use the
"pen-less" force
everybody knows that one cannot write without a pen
now that I have hidden it from myself
I will try to go to sleep again
"shhhhh" don't tell myself this, but I hid the pen
high upon the book shelf........
(written April 24,1991 in the pm)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

another sort of self enjoying one of my many mental work outs.

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