winter time's light
Christmas smells
Oh, how I yet again
so long for your return
childhood revisited
year after beloved blessed
through the eyes of other children
just as wondrous as the child in me
once was
yet in many of the more important ways
ever the more glowing from inside
with the added spirit of Christmas wonder
thats Jesus you know
working his eternal magic
in as many souls as he can reach
uniquely and so very lovingly
one at a time
his magnificent wonder
is so very evident
man in turn
could never hope to love him too much
that's what Christmas truly is about
in a word
love that we each aspire to
that is far greater than any love
we've ever imagined
Christ's spiritual blood flows
throughout every man whose ever lived
great and small
some too sadly enough though
never discover its path
in their own soul...............
(Dec. 20, 1998)