
Let's face it by now
everyone knows how poetry turns me on
off into fantasy land with all but reality
I frequently abscond
why does maybe always have to fall
between yes and no
and why when served snails as an appetizer
do the waiters hide one's initial disgust
behind the vague term escargot
the path farthest off to the left
is always the route I personally choose to go
surprise on my face you will find does not
so readily show
weakness is not an outlet or an escape I
choose to use
instead, with great effort and will
I rose above my peers and aided myself with
a black belt in verbal abuse
even now I have to keep reminding myself
'happiness is only a state of mind'
the human heart is an organ that pumps blood
to keep the body alive
and that is the extent for which it was designed
my personality needs just a little adjustment
before it is fully aligned
everyone knows the old adage, 'blood is thicker
than water'
but it's genuine emotions behind the tarnished
facade that truly bind
sometimes the tear ducts don't follow such
an indifferent suit
making all points in reason's favor seeming
at odds with one another and rather moot
it is always I who comes between tantrums'
emotions and civility's veneer, to clear up
the heated dispute
when battling with emotions
waging war within myself
I find I can no longer keep up the front
of someone so carefree and cute
I then must quickly decide after the smoke has
cleared, do I cheer both sides on
or pay heed to welcomed forewarning
and remain steadfast and mute
( written May 13,1991 in the am)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

not bad for a thought to be shallow 23 year old bar fly eh?

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