
my mind is an unmercifully obstinate being
it makes extensive, in depth notes of all I have
previously and am presently seeing
of its own accord
it draws in information so to greedily horde
long before I even attempt to write an original
my mind has it all ready for me for its information
in cold store
all facts and figures it throws together to harmonize
and create equality within its core
as long as I continue to think
my thought process is never far from out of sync
original thoughts and feelings are similar to say
high plaster Paris ceilings
no matter how high you jump you can never completely
touch them
if you are lucky with your finger tips their surface
you may skim
the possibility of future mental impotence manifests
itself deep within
my cerebral confines
it is commitment through documentation that like
cement solidly binds
all this self analysis is making my haunted
head fantastically spin
as I lay back and unwind
to myself I flash a wild and wicked grin
once again
with carefully thought out planned skill
I have covered my tracks with only simple
force of will
for now of myself though I must admit
I've completely had my fill.............
(written April 24,1991 in the am)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

the thought processes..........

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